
我们认识世界,离不开对事物的分析。分析能力直接影响着我们的思想深度。掌握分析事物的方法论,对于提高分析能力至关重要。 对一个事物分析的过程,可以分为观察现象和解释现象两个阶段。在这两个阶段中,用一些问题作为引导,可以使分析过程不偏大旨,事半功倍。


  1. Which details seem significant? Why?

  2. What does the detail mean?

  3. What else might it mean?

  4. How do the details fit together? What do they have in common?

  5. What does this pattern of details mean?

  6. What else might this same pattern of details mean? How else could it be explained?

  7. What details don’t seem to fit? How might they be connected with other details to form a different pattern?

  8. What does this new pattern mean? How might it cause me to read the meaning of individual details differently?


So what? (持续问这一个问题,就够了)
